

miracle baby   


miracle baby2   


為什麼會買這二隻雞呢?因為老闆說,這個攤位的所得,會捐給一位小男孩,我只有見到他的照片,看到傳單上寫著a baby boy was mauled by wild animals、his tiny body covered with ants,照片中的他缺了一隻腳。 



Thien Nhan:Miracle Baby
After being abandoned at birth in Central Vietnam in July 2006, a baby boy was mauled by wild animals. Found 72 hours after he was dumped, his tiny body covered with ants, the critically injured baby was carried by motorbike for two-hours to the nearest hospital.
Miraculously, doctors managed to save the newborn’s life, although he sustained major damage to his genitals and lost his right leg near the groin. When he survived his first month some local monks christened the boy Thien Nhan, which means 「Good Person」.
Adopted by a Vietnamese family in Hanoi at the age of 20 months, Thien Nhan is now a bright. Talkative three-year-old. He goes to preschool, loves trucks and enjoy wrestling with his two big brothers.
In August 2008 Thien Nhan traveled to the US for vital urethral surgery, which proved successful. This September, he flew to Houston, Texas to undergo tests to determine whether or not his body is producing testosterone. The results of these complex tests are still pending.
Plastic surgeons estimate that Thien Nhan will need several additional surgeries to rebuild his damaged groin. A major reconstruction will take place when he is nine years old. The estimated travel and surgical cost are at least US$150,000.
With a loving family and the support of kind people around the world, this remarkably courageous child has been granted a second chance at happiness. To help Thien Nhan in his quest for a better life, please email XXXXXXXXXXX. 


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